Integrated Policy

Integrated Policy in compliance with the
Quality Standards and the Guidelines for Health and Safety

Considering the organizational context and its strategic guidelines, the dimensions and the operational implications connected with the business activities, the company Management, established that the primary objectives of our organization consist in the continuous search for maximum customer satisfaction and in the continuous improvement of the conditions of protection of workers’ health and safety.
To this aim, the Management considers the Integrated Management System in compliance with the UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Standards and UNI ISO 45001:2018 for Health and Safety, together with the commitment of all the members of our organization, a fundamental element for achieving these objectives and has established the following guidelines:

The operational objectives and actions to achieve the objectives of the Integrated Policy are defined annually in the management review.

We wish all the members of the Company good work by inviting them to provide their constructive contribution to the achievement of these important objectives.

Casale Sul Sile, 10th May 2022

General Manager